How To Donate To Us

Sharing is caring!

Consider making a gift, of any amount, to strengthen the website that supports the decency promotion of prostitution.

Your investment in the website’s people, programs, and resources will help improve the image of prostitution not only in the United States but also to other parts of the globe.

Ways to Donate


Donate online to specific initiatives. You can donate to us via our paypal account

If you experience an issue when donating online, please contact us at

Why Give

As a donor, you support these essential and highly valued professional resources. Each year, we must raise more than $245,000 to supplement our existing resources and keep them going. General membership dues do not fund these programs, so each initiative we undertake is made possible with the assistance of our specialty groups and generous gifts from supporters like you. Help them remain strong for the future by growing your individual contribution.

Our Funding Gap

When programs are only partially funded by contributions or earned revenue or when support is limited to only the direct expenses of the program, we face a gap. Not only is the website’s initiatives and goals affected, but the entire organization is at risk.

If you value the resources and services provided by the Foundation, please consider making a gift, of any amount, to strengthen the website that works in tandem with others who share the same cause. Donations to our general fund do more to support the breadth of all of our programs, including the ones that we aim the most: Improving the image of prostitution and making it a decent living.